As an organisation committed to good corporate citizenship, sustainable business practices, and community support in an ethical and responsible manner, we’re committed to reducing our global environmental impact through continuous improvement.
As you may have seen, the government committed to end its contribution to global warming by 2050, setting the target to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero. To support this, a new selection criteria was recently introduced, requiring major government contractors to support the target by publishing a Carbon Reduction Plan – you can access our plan here:
2023 Carbon Reduction Plan 2022 Carbon Reduction Plan 2021 Carbon Reduction Plan
The Company is concerned not only with its direct impact on the environment, but also any indirect effects caused by the Company’s activities affecting its neighbours and the local community. To support this, the company is accredited to both of the International Standards ISO 14001 (EMS) and ISO 45001 (OHS).
Our Environmental Policy Statement articulates the Company’s commitment to sound environmental management.
This policy shall be upheld through the following:
- Implementation and maintenance of an Environmental Management System in line with the International Standard BS EN ISO 14001
- Maintaining effective environmental control procedures for all significant environmental aspects of the Company’s undertakings
- Commitment to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements relevant to the Company’s activities
- Commitment to prevent pollution and to avoid the use of hazardous materials on site and in products wherever practicable
- Setting of objectives and targets on a regular basis in line with our commitment to continual improvement of the Environmental Management System
This proactive stance shall be implemented throughout the Company. All employees are expected to observe sound environmental practices and to support the Company in its environmental objectives and targets.
In the latest assessment by Carbon Footprint Ltd., we received certification for our recent efforts in reducing our footprint. We remain committed to addressing the climate crisis and striving for environmental quality.
This policy is reviewed and revised as necessary to ensure its continuing effectiveness and suitability in line with changes to the Environmental Management System, legislation and the achievement of objectives.
Sustainable Procurement
General Dynamics UK recognises its responsibility to carry out procurement activities in an economic, environmentally and socially responsible manner.
In accordance with our Environmental Policy we will strive to incorporate socio-economic/environmental considerations into our product and service selection process. We encourage our key suppliers, partners and contractors to minimise any negative impacts associated with the products and services they provide. Our purchasers review the supply base for their goods and develop business cases for selection and renewal, which include sustainable principles.
We also encourage the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions, including any reductions resulting in improvements to goods or services, generated by the core activities of General Dynamics UK and our key suppliers.
Our policy statement aims to provide a framework for existing suppliers, potential suppliers and partners for the investigation and introduction of environmentally friendly processes and products.
Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement
We will:
- Comply with all relevant current statutory regulations that impact on procurement and require that our suppliers and contractors (and their supply chains) do the same
- Seek to procure environmentally sustainable goods and services that minimises the impact to climate change (eg accreditation to a recognised environmental standard)
- Encourage all suppliers and contractors to adopt policies and systems in relation to their corporate responsibilities, sustainability and ethics which lead to improved environmental performance (eg ISO 14001 (EMS) and ISO 45001 (OHS)
- Seek to procure materials and services which are ethically sourced, and demonstrate application of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code standards
- Encourage use of local suppliers and contractors to minimise the environmental impact associated with transportation, as appropriate
- Develop an active sustainable procurement programme with key suppliers prioritising according to perceived risk and opportunity, spend and frequency of contract